The following environmental variables are used to configure the JumpWire engine container:
Name | Required | Default | Description |
RELEASE_COOKIE | ✔️ | - | Shared secret used for distributed connectivity. Must be identical on all nodes in the cluster. |
JUMPWIRE_AUDIT_LOG_PATH | | audit.log | Path to a file for storing logs generated by audit policies. |
JUMPWIRE_TOKEN | ✔️ | - | JWT used to authenticate with the web app. |
JUMPWIRE_NODE | | {IP address} | Override the autodetected node name. Must be an IP address or DNS name reachable by all nodes in the cluster. |
JUMPWIRE_FRONTEND | ✔️ | - | DNS name or IP address of the web application. Set to false to disable the web connection. |
JUMPWIRE_CONFIG_PATH | | - | Directory to load YAML config files from. See Local file configuration for details. |
JUMPWIRE_DATABASE_MIGRATION_LIMIT | | 100 | When migrating existing data (eg encrypting rows that existed before JumpWire), this limit specifies the maximum number of rows that will be updated at once. |
VAULT_ADDR | | http://localhost:8200 | URL of a HashiCorp Vault server to use for key management. |
VAULT_KV_VERSION | | 2 | Whether to use version 1 or 2 of the Vault KV API. |
VAULT_KV_PATH | | secret/jumpwire | Path in Vault to a KV store. The provided token/role should have write access to this. |
VAULT_DB_PATH | | database | Mount point of database secrets in Vault. JumpWire will lookup databases and roles under this path for possible proxy credentials. |
VAULT_APPROLE_ID | | - | ID of an approle to authenticate with Vault. Either a token or an approle must be provided to enable Vault. |
VAULT_APPROLE_SECRET | | - | Secret of an approle to authenticate with Vault. Either a token or an approle must be provided to enable Vault. |
VAULT_TOKEN | | - | Token to use to authenticate with Vault. Either a token or an approle must be provided to enable Vault. |
VAULT_NAMESPACE | | - | Namespace to use with Vault Enterprise. |
JUMPWIRE_AWS_KMS_ENABLE | | - | When set to true AWS KMS will be used for generating encryption keys. |
JUMPWIRE_AWS_KMS_KEY_NAME | | jumpwire | A prefix to use for aliases when creating AWS KMS keys. |
JUMPWIRE_TLS_CERT | | - | Public cert to use for TLS on incoming proxy connections. Both JUMPWIRE_TLS_CERT and JUMPWIRE_TLS_KEY must be configured to enable TLS. |
JUMPWIRE_TLS_KEY | | - | Private key to use for TLS on incoming proxy connections. |
JUMPWIRE_TLS_CA | | CA cert bundle to use for HTTPS connections. | |
JUMPWIRE_TLS_PROXY_CA | | The value of JUMPWIRE_TLS_CA | CA cert bundle to use when verifying the certificate of proxied databases and APIs. |
JUMPWIRE_DOMAIN | | | Domain used to connect to the engine. This will be shown in client setup instructions. |
JUMPWIRE_POSTGRES_PROXY_PORT | | 6432 | Port to listen on for incoming postgres clients. |
JUMPWIRE_POSTGRES_PROXY_POOL_SIZE | | 4 | Size of connection pool used when connecting to a PostgreSQL database. |
JUMPWIRE_HTTP_PORT | | 4004 | Port to listen on for incoming HTTP requests. |
JUMPWIRE_HTTPS_PORT | | 4443 | Port to listen on for incoming HTTPS requests. |
JUMPWIRE_PROMETHEUS_PORT | | 9568 | Port to serve Prometheus stats on, under the /metrics endpoint. |
SENTRY_DSN | | | URL of a Sentry endpoint to send crash and error logs. By default crashes will be sent to a Sentry instance controlled by JumpWire. |
JUMPWIRE_PARSE_REQUESTS | | true | When true, requests being proxied through JumpWire will be inspected and access policies will be applied. |
JUMPWIRE_PARSE_RESPONSES | | true | When true, responses from requests proxied through JumpWire will be inspected and access policies will be applied. |
Additional configuration is available for Observability data.
The following environment variables are used to configure the JumpWire web container:
Name | Required | Default | Description |
DATABASE_URL | ✔️ | - | Connection string for internal PostgreSQL instance. |
JUMPWIRE_SECRET_KEY | ✔️ | - | Secret used for secure session handling and cookies. |
PORT | | 4000 | Port to listen on for inbound HTTP requests. |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | | - | Client ID for authenticating users with Google OAuth. |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | | - | Client secret for authenticating users with Google OAuth. |
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID | | - | Client ID for authenticating users with Auth0 OAuth. Auth0 will take precedence over Google if both are set. |
AUTH0_DOMAIN | | - | Domain for authenticating users with Auth0 OAuth |
AUTH0_TOKEN_SECRET | | - | Secret for authenticating users with Auth0 OAuth |
JUMPWIRE_AUTH_DOMAINS | | - | Comma-delimited list of email domains that are allowed to access the web UI. Only enforced for Google OAuth. |
JUMPWIRE_ORG_TOKEN | ✔️ | - | JWT used to authenticate the engine to the frontend. |
JUMPWIRE_ORG_NAME | | - | Name of the organization using JumpWire. |
JUMPWIRE_DOMAIN | ✔️ | - | User facing domain name for the web interface. |
JUMPWIRE_ENGINE_HOST | | localhost | Hostname of the JumpWire engine. Used to generate user facing URLs for connecting to the proxy. Can be overridden from the web interface. |